Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Assignment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Assignment - Research Paper Example The major causes of TBI include head bang, falls, vehicle accidental, construction accidents and sports. Sports have been classified as the most lethal and rampant contributor to the development of head injury. The prevention of the occurrence of this disease depend on the cause of the problem. Reduction of car accidents can result to tremendous decrease in the incidences of TBI. Change in the common practices in sports can also do well in the prevention of its occurrence. Wearing of head gears have statistically proven positive in the prevention. Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury Medical impact The occurrence of traumatic brain injury in individuals at any stage of development has adverse medical impacts. The cost of treating the disease has proven to be one of the most expensive procedures in the world. This means apart from medical covers available in the country one has to deep hands in their pocket and cover for the expense (Finkelstein et al, 2006). The test carried in the diagn osis stage to make a decision on the kind of medical treatment and operation can adversely alter the health of an individual. The prolonged medication applied on the individuals suffering from traumatic brain injury could lead to several side effects on the person undergoing the medical treatment. The complicated surgeries conducted for the recovery of the individuals could be costly as well as critical for patients in case of lapses on the part of the surgeon. The increase in cost of treatment bore by the individual is also an impact of the prolonged medical treatment for recovery from traumatic brain injury. Due to the prevalence of TBI, the disability it causes can cause increased risk of other health conditions. Recent studies show that 1to 3 years post injury, people with TBI are 1.8 more likely to develop epilepsy and new health problem associated with it can develop in the aging process (Ferguson et al, 2005). This includes development of depression, Alzheimers and mental ret ardation. Therefore, the medical impact varies from the cost and the side effect of treatment to the development of other diseases. Physical impact TBI is accompanied by several physical inabilities, the signs and symptoms can vary from total inability to partial one. Headache, change in the sense of taste, dizziness and trouble in balance are some of the minor insistences that results to partial inability. Loss of speech, sight and hearing causes complete impairment on the personnel life. The traumatic brain injury of an individual leads to physical limitations and disabilities. The injury suffered in the brain due to accidental falls, violence or vehicle accidents is causes alteration in the internal functions of the brain that leads to changes in the cerebral blood flow. The injury in the skull also affects the blood pressure in the brain. This could cause partial or complete paralysis over a period of time in the individual who have suffered the traumatic injury. The increase in disability of the individual, therefore, causes limitation to the person’s physical or bodily functions (Mallonee et al, 2006). Educational impact The traumatic brain injury affects the individuals in the course of their educational progress. The effect is on the students learning progress and even the way the tutor has to teach. The alteration in the function of the cerebrum caused due to the traumatic injury could lead to cognitive drawback that pulls back the level of understanding as compared to the

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